Editorial Policy

ClimateTechWiki.org is dedicated to providing comprehensive, accurate, and accessible information about clean and green technologies.

Content Creation Process

Content is created by a team of subject matter experts, including environmental scientists, technology specialists, and researchers. Each piece undergoes a rigorous drafting and review process, ensuring it meets our standards for depth, clarity, and utility. We encourage contributions from guest experts and maintain a robust peer review mechanism to safeguard the integrity of our content.

Sourcing and Fact-checking

We commit to the highest standards of accuracy by relying on peer-reviewed research, reports from reputable climate and environmental organizations, and interviews with experts in the field. All statistics, data, and technical specifications are double-checked for accuracy and relevance before publication.

Editorial Independence

ClimateTechWiki.org maintains strict editorial independence. Our content decisions are guided solely by our mission to promote understanding and implementation of climate-friendly technologies. We transparently disclose any partnerships or funding sources that could influence our content.

Accuracy and Accountability

We are committed to accuracy in all our publications. Errors reported by our readers or identified by our team are corrected promptly, with corrections clearly noted. We maintain a public log of significant corrections and updates to ensure transparency.

Ethical Considerations

Our content respects ethical standards by prioritizing information that contributes to global sustainability goals and avoids promoting technologies that have harmful environmental or social impacts.

User Engagement

We encourage our readers to engage with our content through comments, forums, and direct feedback. Our community guidelines promote respectful and constructive dialogue to enhance the collective understanding of climate technologies.

Review and Updates

Our editorial policy and content are reviewed annually by our editorial board to incorporate new scientific findings, technological advancements, and user feedback, ensuring our information remains current and relevant.


We are committed to making our content accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Our website follows best practices in web accessibility standards to ensure it is user-friendly and inclusive.

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